Timothy Basil Ering on "Frog Belly Rat Bone"

“I'm sending a round of applause to Chris McGregor who I imagine did the bulk of the super creative writing for the adaptation of The Story Of Frog Belly Rat Bone to the stage, and to Erik Gow who also conjured up super creative writing for the musical lyrics. I am anxious to hear these songs, and the music and sound effects. The descriptions about music choices here and there for different scenes are fun ideas for the particular moments the writers chose to add sound bytes, sound effects, and musical pieces. And I am also super anxious to see the set, paintings, props, and Dusty Hagerud's puppet creations!

I really enjoy how Axis thought wayyyy outside the box to invent a way to incorporate the creative opening scene with the narrator, trash collectors, trash day, and treasure dance, then to incorporate some of these elements at the end of the play as well. But sandwiched in between these wild and new elements and characters, I love how Axis stayed nicely close to my original story, with of course, their own witty and fun sense of humor written into the character's lines, personalities, and interactions.

Keep having fun!

I am so, so, so happy that my book has inspired your theatre to have this much fun creating! Your show will inspire children in so many wonderful ways. I love that my story message is still in there, just described with another exciting medium. Stay excited as you work, Frog Belly Rat Bone has inspired children and teachers and parents and schools and artists for 20 YEARS!

I'm right along with you guys, and am SO looking forward to seeing this show!”

Timothy Basil Ering
Author and illustrator of the storybook “Frog Belly Rat Bone”
Published by Candlewick Press